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Codes Honored by OmniTurn G4 CNC

Code Usage Description
G00 G00 Rapid move
G01 G01 Previous Feedrate
G02 G02XnZnRn CW Arc: Radius of arc
G03 G03XnZnRn CCw Arc: Radius of arc
G02 G02XnZnInKnFn CW Arc: Center of arc
G03 G03XnZnInKnFn CCW Arc: Center of arc
G04 G04Fn Dwell
G10 G10XnZn Work Shift
G33 G33XnZnIn­KnAnCaPO Threading cycle
G40 G40 Cancels Tool Nose Radius Compensation
G41 G41 Left hand Tool Nose Radius Compensation
G42 G42 Right hand Tool Nose Radius Compensation
G70 G70 Inch mode
G71 G71 Metric mode
G72 G72 Diameter programming mode
G73 G73 Radius programming mode
G74 G74XnZn­InUnFn Box Roughing cycle
G75 G75InUnFnPn Box Contour Roughing cycle
G76 G76Sn Minimum spindle speed for constant surface feet
G77 G77Sn Maximum spindle speed for constant surface feet
G78 G78UnFnPn Rough Contour Cycle
G81 G81ZnFn Drill cycle
G83 G83ZnKn­FnRnLnCn Peck drill cycle
G90 G90 Absolute mode selection
G91 G91 Incremental mode selection
G92 G92XnZn Preset axis position
G94 G94Fn Inches per minute mode
G95 G95Fn Inches per revolution mode
G96 G96Sn Spindle speed set as surface feet
G97 G97 Spindle speed set as RPM
M00 M00 Program stop - does not cancel active "M" functions
M01 M01 Optional stop
M02 M02 End program - does not cancel active"M" functions
M03 M03Sn Spindle on, forward (top coming)
M04 M04Sn Spindle on, reverse (top going)
M05 M05 Spindle off
M08 M08 Coolant on
M09 M09 Coolant off
M10 M10 ZipLoader: Clamp Collet, Stop Feed
M11 M11 ZipLoader: Unclamp Collet, Start Feed
M12 M12 Collet clamp
M13 M13 Collet unclamp
M17 M17 Optional User assigned ON
M18 M18 Optional User assigned OFF
M19 M19 Spindle Positioning; lock at home (C-Axis option)
M21 M21 Optional User assigned ON
M22 M22 Optional User assigned OFF
M23 M23 Optional User assigned ON
M24 M24 Optional User assigned OFF
M25 M25 User assigned on (Note: Four additional codes available)
M26 M26 User assigned off (Note: Four additional codes available)
M27 M27 Optional User assigned ON
M28 M28 Optional User assigned OFF
M30 M30 End of program - cancels all active "M" functions
M31 M31 Cancels Cycle Repeat mode
M32 M32 M32 sets PLC ouput Y0 ON (PLC option)
M33 M33 M33 sets PLC ouput Y1 ON (PLC option)
M38 M38 M38 sets PLC outputs Y0 and Y1 OFF (PLC option)
M40 M40 ZipLoader: Manual Knife Up
M41 M41 ZipLoader: Manual Knife Down
M42 M42 ZipLoader: Push at Feed2 Speed
M43 M43 ZipLoader: Retract Pusher
M44 M44 ZipLoader: Stop Pushing
M45 M45 ZipLoader: Manual Extend Stops
M46 M46 ZipLoader: Manual Retract Stops
M47 M47 ZipLoader: Load New Bar or Part
M48 M48 ZipLoader: Eject Remnant or Part
M49 M49 ZipLoader: Push at Feed1 Speed
M50 M50 ZipLoader: Set Bar Mode
M51 M51 ZipLoader: Set Part Mode
M52 M52 ZipLoader: Set Rear Qualify Mode
M53 M53 ZipLoader: Set 2-Part Mode
M56 M56 ZipLoader: Force Loader Fault
M57 M57 ZipLoader: No Push2 Speed
M59 M59 ZipLoader: Set Push2 Eject
M60 M60 M60 sets PLC output Y3 ON (PLC option)
M61 M61 M61 sets PLC output Y3 OFF (PLC option)
M62 M62 M62 pulses PLC output Y2; waits for PLC input X7 (PLC option)
M64 M64 M64 sets PLC output Y5 ON (PLC option)
M65 M65 M65 sets PLC output Y5 OFF (PLC option)
M80 M80 VCO cutoff cycle (optional Vertical Cutoff)
M81 M81 VCO cutoff cycle (optional Vertical Cutoff)
M82 M82 VCO "wait for cutoff completion" function (optional Vertical Cutoff)
M84 M84 Locks feedrate & spindle speed override pots at 100%
M85 M85 Re-enables override pots (M30, M02, T# also re-enables)
M87 M87 Real-time Work Shift from digital indicator
M88 M88 Spindle Positioning; lock at home; high res (opt: C-Axis only)
M89 M89 Spindle Positioning; lock at arbitrary home (opt: C-Axis only)
M91M91 Wait for HDR111 to be open circuit
M92 M92 Wait for HDR111 to be shorted
M93M93 Wait for HDR110 to be open circuit
M94 M94 Wait for HDR110 to be shorted
M95 M95 Conditional Jump to subroutine 1 (HDR112)
M97 M97InCnPn Conditional Jump to subroutine (PLC option)
M98 M98Pn Jump to subroutine
M99 M99 End subroutine
C XnZnCn Automatic chamfer at intersection
CA CAnnn.nn Absolute spindle angle (C-Axis option)
CI CInnn.nn Incremental spindle angle (C-Axis option)
D Dn Secondary offsets, axis correction or TNR comp value
F Fn Feedrates, dwell
LS LSn Loop start
LF LF Loop finish
P P Start any move in sync with spindle
R XnZnRn Automatic radius at intersection
S Sn Spindle speed selection, SFM or RPM
T Tn Tool call command
/ / Block Skip
}n }n Begin subroutine

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