If you have USB Floppy Emulator click here
To create hard drive setup floppy disk for OmniTurn CNC hard drive:
- Download hdsuindr.exe to your desk-top computer (must have floppy drive capability).
- Open hdsuindr.exe (double-click on it, or right-click on it then click OPEN): A dialog box will open, explaining that OmniTurn Hard Drive Setup Disk will be created; click OK
- A second box will appear,
reminding you to insert floppy in drive A: of your desktop computer
- Put a floppy disk into drive A: of your desktop computer, then click OK to create hard drive setup disk.
To setup hard drive on your OmniTurn using floppy disk:
- Backup all your program files and tool offset files before starting!
- Put the setup disk you created (steps 1-4 above) in drive A: of your OmniTurn
- Power up your OmniTurn
- During power-up, repeatedly press the Del key to enter CMOS setup.
(For ZF-Micro motherboards press F2 key instead).
- At CMOS setup screen navigate to "Boot Sequence" and set to A: C:
(For ZF-Micro" mb, move "Removable" to top of list).
- Press F10 key to save and exit CMOS
- OmniTurn will reboot, and prompt you to setup Indramat hard drive. This disk will format your OmniTurn hard drive, then reinstall all files necessary for the Indramat C-Axis system.
- When installation is complete, you will be prompted to choose VGA or Monochrome monitor.
- When process is complete, set power OFF and remove floppy drive.
- Set power ON, then enter CMOS setup and change Boot Sequence back to C: A: (For
ZF-Micro, move "Hard drive" back to top of list).
To write hard drive setup to thumb drive in USB Floppy Emulator:
NOTE: If you purchased your Floppy Emulator from OmniTurn, the update software is installed on the thumb drive that came with your emulator. Skip to Setup the Hard Drive below.
- Download IMAGES.EXE to your desk-top computer. Drag it to "Images" folder on Desktop. Create new folder if necessary.
- Open images.exe to extract all image files to the Images folder.
- Run USB Floppy Manager. (If not installed, Download and install this software).
- Write the 4-indr.img file to disk 004 of the thumb drive. (Complete instructions here.)
To setup the hard drive on your OmniTurn from USB Emulator:
- Backup all your program files and tool offset files before starting!
- Set OmniTurn power on.
- During power-up, repeatedly press the Del key to enter CMOS setup.
(For ZF-Micro motherboards press F2 key instead).
- At CMOS setup screen navigate to "Boot Sequence" and set to A: C:
(For ZF-Micro mb, move "Removable" to top of list).
- Set floppy emulator display to 004
- Press F10 key to save and exit CMOS
- OmniTurn will reboot, and prompt you to setup Indramat hard drive. This disk will format your OmniTurn hard drive, then reinstall all files necessary for the Indramat C-Axis system.
- When installation is complete, you will be prompted to choose VGA or Monochrome monitor.
- When process is complete, set power OFF.
- Set power ON, then enter CMOS setup and change Boot Sequence back to C: A: (For
ZF-Micro, move "Hard drive" back to top of list).