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OmniTurn G4 CNC: Threading Issues

This page addresses rough threads or cross-threading. This could be due to a spindle encoder problem or a Z axis mechanical issue. For thread-fit issues, see Size-holding Issues.

Here are diagnostics for spindle and mechanical tests for cross-threading:

Spindle encoder test:

NOTE: If your OmniTurn has belt-driven encoder (GT series:Image of belt-driven encoder on GTBelt-driven encoder on GT pre-2006; Attachments:Image of belt-driven encoder on AttachmentBelt-driven encoder on Attachment pre-2010, first make sure the belt and pulleys appear to be in good condition, and that the pulleys aren't loose on the spindle or encoder. Detailed instructions for checking for belt or pulley slippiage can be found at G3 CNC Threading Issues.

Mechanical Test:

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