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OmniTurn G3 CNC: Won't Boot

NOTE: Click on brown textThe Oregon Coast to show picture; click anywhere else (Apple IOS: refresh page) to hide picture.

No display on screen and no yellow "Control ON" lamp:

If there is no display on screen and no yellow "Control ON" lamp, click here to troubleshoot power issues.

No display on screen:

If the screen looks ok at boot up, but goes blank after pressing "Y" or "N" at Backup Programs (CNC) screen, the issue may be bad motion card (MC2 card). Click here to troubleshoot MC2 issues.

On the oldest OmniTurns, if the screen displays the list of files being copied, and then goes blank before the Please turn servos on prompt, the motion card may be defective. Click here to troubleshoot MC2 issues.

Error message on screen:

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