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G83 Peck Drill Cycle Example (G83ZnKnFnRnLnCn)
See also G81: Drill Cycle

Zn:  Depth of hole to be drilled
Kn: depth of cut per peck
Fn: Feed rate, IPR or IPM
Rn: Location in Z that the tool will retract back to after each peck
Default is the starting point of the cycle
Ln: Rapid travel feedrate for the retraction move, in IPM
Default is 200 IPM
Cn: clearance distance left when the drill returns to the cut
Default is 0.02
 Note: No need to enter Rn, Ln, and Cn if default values are suitable.

G83 is a one shot command.
It is used to peck drill to a specific distance in Z and then rapid back to the starting point.
Image of G83 Peck Drill Cycle

To drill a hole .5” deep at a feed of .003” per revolution, and .2” pecks:
Image of G83 Peck Drill Cycle
The program would be:
Image of G83 Peck Drill Cycle Program

In the next example we have added a second drill that will peck drill a smaller hole at the bottom of the first. Notice that the drill will start a little off the bottom of the first hole and then retract clear off the hole to remove chips and get coolant before the next peck.
Image of G83 Peck Drill Cycle
The program would be:
Image of G83 Peck Drill Cycle Program