TF-486 "Splash"
CMOS Main Screen
With STANDARD CMOS SETUP highlighted in CMOS Main Screen, press enter to open Standard CMOS Setup screen. Use up or down arrows to highlight the time, then use "+" or "-" to change the time. Press Esc key to return to Main Screen, then press F10 to save CMOS and exit.
CMOS Main Screen
Standard CMOS Setup Screen
With BIOS FEATURES SETUP highlighted in CMOS Main Screen, press enter to open BIOS Features Setup screen. Use down arrow to highlight whatever is opposite "Boot Sequence", then use "+" to cycle through the choices. C: is the internal hard drive and A: is the floppy or floppy emulator. SCSI is not applicable. Press Esc key to return to Main Screen, then press F10 to save CMOS and exit.
CMOS Main Screen
BIOS Features Setup Screen