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Troubleshoot Servo Errors When Attempting to Jog (G4 CNC)

If your OmniTurn throws a servo error when you try to jog, a circuit may have tripped, or one of the servo amplifiers may have faulted.

"SERVO ERROR-PRESS ESC" Screen appears on the display:

Image of G4 Jog Screen with Servo Error Prompt

If this happened the first time you try to jog, the problem is most likely just a tripped circuit breaker. Try pushing in the circuit breaker button on the back of the control, just above the motor connectors, then turn servos on and try to jog.

If you still get the error when you try to jog, the servo amplifier may have faulted. Ppress Esc to reset the error, and turn the servos back on. Take the blue cover off the control, and look at the top of the servo amps. Normal condition with servos on is green LED lit; flashing red LED indicates a fault. If one of the LEDs is flashing red, set control off, and wait for the LEDs on both amps to go out; power up, set servos on and try to jog.

Reset the Breakers

Image of G4 Thermal Overloads (Circuit Breakers)

Try pushing in the circuit breaker button on the back of the control, just above the motor connectors.

If you still get the error when you try to jog, the servo amplifier may have faulted.

Servo Amplifiers Location

Image of G4 Servo Amplifier Location

Take the blue cover off the control, and look at the top of the servo amps.

Servo Amplifier Fault LEDs:

Image of G4 Servo Amplifier Fault LEDs

Normal condition with servos on is green LED lit; flashing red LED indicates a fault.

If one of the LEDs is flashing red, set control off, and wait for the LEDs on both amps to go out. Wait a few seconds to be sure amp has reset, then set control power on, set servos on and try to jog.

If you don't get green lights, or if you do get green lights but still can't jog the machine, further troubleshooting is necessary.

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