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OmniTurn G4 CNC: Servo's Won't Turn On

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If the servos are not coming on, the most common reason is a bad Emergency stop contact, either in the control E-stop button or the E-stop on the Operator's Station.

You will need an ohmmeter to perform two quick tests of the entire e-stop string. If no ohmmeter or voltmeter available go to "Test Using Paper Clip Jumper", below.

Test 1: With the power off, make sure the E-stop buttons are not pushed in and measure the resistance from the striped end of the diode next to 1CR to the black wire on the top of the blue contact block on the Servos On switch. This should be about 80 ohms. This measures through the 1CR relay coil and the E-stop string to the Servos On switch.

If the ommeter registers open circuit, could be issue with ribbon cable between CN1 on Connect Card and CN1 on Front Panel Connect Card, or with 1CR, or with front panel connector CNFP4. Refer to schematic.Image of schematic with switches and front-panel connect card
CN1, CNFP4, CNFP5, and CNFP9

1CR to Servos On

Test 2: With the power off, make sure the E-stop buttons are not pushed in and measure the resistance from the CRDY test point in the middle of CN401A to the brown wire on the bottom of the blue contact block on the Servos On switch. This should be close to 0, say less than 5 ohms. This measures through the entire e-stop string to the bottom of Servos On switch.

If the ommeter registers open circuit, one of the contacts in E-Stop or Control On switch could be bad. Scroll down to voltage tests below.

CRDY to Servos On

Voltage Tests

You will need a voltmeter set to DC volts. If no voltmeter, go to "Test Using Paper Clip Jumper", below.

Turn the control on: stop at the screen that shows the "Servos off or external halt.." message.

CRDY at switches
  1. If not about 12.5VDC at #1, then possible issue with CN1 or CNFP5 Image of schematic with switches and front-panel connect card
    CN1, CNFP4, CNFP5, and CNFP9
    on the Front Panel Connect Card
  2. If not about 12.5VDC at #2, then replace the Front Panel E-Stop switch (p/n 995​-12​-103)
  3. If not about 12.5VDC at #3, then replace the OpSta E-Stop switch (p/n 998​-12​-104)
  4. If not about 12.5VDC at #4, then replace the Front Panel E-Stop switch (p/n 995​-12​-103)
  5. If not about 12.5VDC at #5, then possible issue with CNFP5 or CNFP9 Image of schematic with switches and front-panel connect card
    CN1, CNFP4, CNFP5, and CNFP9
    on the Front Panel Connect Card
  6. If not about 12.5VDC at #6, then replace the Control On switch (p/n 995​-12​-201)
  7. If not about 12.5VDC at #7, then possible issue with CN1 or CNFP4 Image of schematic with switches and front-panel connect card
    CN1, CNFP4, CNFP5, and CNFP9
    on the Front Panel Connect Card
  8. If about 12.5VDC at #7, move the black meter lead to #7b and press the Servos ON button. If not about 12.5VDS at #7b with button depressed, the Servos ON switch is bad (p/n 995-12-102)

Test Using Paper Clip Jumper (NOTE: The jumper doesn’t need to be screwed into place if two people are available; one person can hold the jumper on the terminals and the other can see if servos turn on)

To check those contacts, jumper the top two terminals
Jumper top terminals on E-Stop Switch
on the Control's Emergency stop button. (Set control power off before connecting jumper) If the servos will turn on after you do that, the problem is in the Operator's Station. Replace the OpSta E-Stop switch p/n 998​-12​-104).

If they still won’t come on, move the jumper to the bottom two terminals
Jumper bottom terminals on E-Stop Switch.
on the E-stop switch. (Set control power off before connecting jumper). Remove contact blocks from operator to make it easier. If the servos will turn on with jumper on bottom terminals, replace the Front Panel E-Stop switch p/n 995​-12​-103). Remove bottom jumper.

Remove this jumper after testing for servos on! With this jumper you have no E-Stop.

If the servos won’t come on with jumper on bottom of E-stop switch, the problem is not in the E-stop switches. Use the paper clip to jumper between #7 and #7b on Servos ON switch. If that turns on the servos, replace the Servos ON switch (p/n 995-12-102). If that doesn't work, you will need voltmeter to troubleshoot. Remove all jumpers before proceeding.

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