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C & R Automatic Chamfer and Radius (XnZnCn & XnZnRn)

XnZnCn Chamfer Dimension
XnZnRnRadius Dimension

It is possible to automatically generate a chamfer or radius between two connecting linear moves.

Just program X and Z to the theoretical intersection point of the two moves, and put a C or R with the absolute amount of the radius or chamfer needed.

Image of Automatic Chamfer and Radius Format

XnZn:  The linear move leading to the intersection point of two features
Rn:  The n is the absolute value of the radius used to blend the two features
Cn:  The n is the absolute value of the chamfer used to blend the two features


The moves that are connected by the auto chamfer or radius must be linear moves
The C or R command will not work with blending arcs or arcs and lines. If you want to blend these use G02 and G03.

Here's a simple example part:
Image of Automatic Chamfer and Radius Example

The program would be:

g90g72g94f300 (header)
t1 (lh turning tool)
x0z.1 (starting point)
m03s2000 (lh turning tool)
g95f.003 (feed 0.003 ipr)
z0 (move to z0)
x.375c.063 (move toward x0.375, to chamfer)
z-.375r.063 (move toward z-.0375, to fillet)
x.75 (finish fillet, move to x0.75)
x1z-.5r.063 (move at 45° toward z-.5, to fillet)
z-.75 (move to z-.75)
x1.01 (clear part)
g00z.1v (rapid to start point)
m30 (end program)

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